(Socially distanced, of course) I'm told today is the one hundredth day of the lockdown. The lockdown never really felt locked down in the same sense as some of the very harsh measures taken across Europe. I think early on the scientists and government recognised the novel Corona-virus (aka COVID-19) is a disease of confinement and proximity. Being outdoors, soaking up the rays and having your body generate vitamin D the natural way, it turns out, is probably a good thing. So I never really stopped going for a walk with a camera. Early on, I sought out the wide open spaces, and avoided people who were, for the most part, kind enough to return the favour. The air was cleaner, the blue skies a little bluer, the bees seemed more numerous than usual for the time of the year. Eventually, it became clear that more and more people were venturing out. The recreation area, pictured above, became a place to avoid at certain times of the day, s...
Pandemic, politics, photography, philosophy, travel and tech.